Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well, well, well, What Have we Here?!

I finally decided to grow some courage and finally add this guy named Jon I've basically had the hots for, well, a while now. Never knew him, never exchanged any kind of conversation with him, nada. But I liked him and was pretty attracted to him, problem was that he had girl friend(s) for seriously the past 2 plus years, so I let it go.

but, I was browsing around myspace a few days ago, (in other words, lurking. ha) and came across his page and finally added him; I also took the mental note that he was definitely single too.

Anyway, I'm really not about to try and get a boyfriend, but I honestly would love to get to know him. We talked on the phone last night, I'm sure he's just being friendly... But, I decided to meet him at work and bug him Wednesday, maybe I'll hang out with him later that night? :D I'm really excited to go back to Fayettenam... sad thing is it isn't even because of the main reason I was going back (to vote) but now to see this extremely attractive and seemingly well rounded guy. He goes to UNC Pembroke too, I needed to talk to an older guy.

That rule is still in effect.

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